In Pursuit

In Pursuit...

I'm tired, I'm beat,
I need to make a hasty retreat,
I'm down, I'm out,
I sorely need to turn about.

Yet I must walk, Must go on,
To get from darkness to the dawn,
I shall not stop nor know peace,
Till I fulfill my dying wish.

I will not stop nor shall I yield,
Every feather of failure I shall wield,
And make my quills from it all,
I shall rise again from my fall.

And though I know that I am dying,
And yet I won't go crying,
But revel in the moments left,
Gleaning smiles from tears unwept.

And one day, perhaps, when all is past,
I shall, somewhere, find Peace at last.

Written by Parijat Mukherjee 

Image Curation by Dipannita Banerjee
Image Courtesy:Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay  


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